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March 29, 2008

Don't sweat the small stuff, but choose the small stuff wisely...

In my last post I wrote about making choices. I have been thinking about the power of making choices and have noticed just how many choices that I make in a day. It starts before I ever get out of bed. Do I sleep for another 5 minutes, or do I get up a and get a jump on my day? Will I exercise today, or will I take the day off? Once I get up choices continues to rule my life. Simple, but powerful choices that have a major impact on what I accomplish during the day and how I ultimately live my life. Many of the choices seem relatively small and unimportant, but they ultimately dictate my life. Do I eat cereal, or do I have a pop tart? Do I read email first, or do I plan my day first? Do I work on the task that I like to work on, or do I work on that pesky project that has a looming deadline? Do I blog today, or do I skip? Do I call my mom to say hi, or do I put that off until later? So many choices. I make them without thinking, but making wrong choices or taking the path of least resistance can eat up the most important resource I have. ME! Make smart choices. To learn more on the power of choice make sure you read Monday Morning Choices: 12 Powerful Ways to Go from Everyday to Extraordinary by David Cottrell.


Medical alert said...

Life is all about choices, the better choices we make the better off we are in life.