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May 07, 2008

We are at War! Make the right choice! Choose to Fight!

Today I paid the most I have ever paid for a gallon of gas, a whopping $3.75 per gallon. I am amazed that we, the people of the United States, are standing still for this slow and deliberate attack on our economy. We have been gradually pushed to our threshold of pain. Just when we are just about to go over the top, things stabilize just long enough for us to build up some more tolerance. What fools we are! Wake up America! We have got to break out of our hubris thinking and go on the offensive before it is too late. Individually and collectively, we need to cut our usage of the evil gas pill. Be it from car pooling, being better organized and eliminating wasteful extra trips to the store, letting our kids walk to school, if your job allows, working out of your home once a week, etc., etc. We have to get creative. Nothing is sacred! This is war my friends. War! Drive the speed limit for God's sake! Park your car one day a week. We can do it. Hit 'em where it counts. They are hitting us in the wallet. Hit 'em back. You have been challenged! You can choose to let it continue to happen, or you can make a difference. What are you waiting on????


HotMomma said...

yeah, this is the only way by which we can get back at them - not use as much of fuel as they would want us to.

in the future, proximity to the workplace would be the driving force behind people's decisions on where to live.

Anonymous said...

Can't believe the price of gas these days.. so scary

Anonymous said...

It's not just Gas, it's everything. Where I live, yearly at lease time the rent is going up. The milk and eggs have went up. I've heard the price of flour is going up. We've become to reliant on other people, specifically businesses. And they are taking advantage of it. Thanks for the wake up call!

Anonymous said...

My article is not quite as much "Put up your dukes" as yours, but it is along the same lines. Check out A Penny Saved here:

James said...

We will all know when the price per gallon has finally hit home when there are fewer SUV's on the roads and people are NOT blowing down the freeways somewhere over 70MPH.

Medical alert said...

Enough is a enough, lets start working together and cut back on gas. so hopefully they will be forced too lower the price.