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May 11, 2008

Gas cans and empty wallets...

At least in my family, I think gas prices have finally hit the proverbial nerve. Over the weekend I was lectured twice, first by my wife, and then by my 26 year old son, about how my driving habits were needlessly consuming gas. It seems that I tend to go from a dead stop at traffic lights and stop signs up to the speed limit in sling shot fashion. Also, my exercising of the 7 mile an hour safe zone over the speed limit is also creating some controversy in my family. Speed wastes gas. Quick starts waste gas. I know that, but it took a couple of subtle barbs from family members to snap me out of the bad habits that are sucking the dollars out of my wallet.

You too may be suffering from this slow draining of your financial well being. Drive slower. Accelerate slower. Coast when you can. Slow down when approaching a red light. You may be able to time the light so you don't have to come to a complete stop. Make sure your tires are properly inflated. These are small things, but they add up. Do your part! Take a look at your driving habits. Are they fueling the war?


Anonymous said...

I cringe when I think about it really, but we're pretty much powerless against it. You're right though, we can all conserve more and do better. 3.79 tonight as I drove by the station I will be filling at tomorrow....not sure why I'm waiting, it's not as though the price will go down...LOL


tazdog said...

Yep I'm fueling the gas war.. If I go to slow I will get ran over here. But I do like to hit the gas so to speak :) lol off of the line. The highest here in this area (Dallas, Fort Worth) was $3.75 this morning.


Anonymous said...

good tips..the secret to controlling gas prices is many litle trips to the store can you eliminate??

Anonymous said...

The gas prices are unbelievable to me. I just can't believe what they are expecting us to pay. Here in Kentucky, it's went up to $4.00 a gallon now.

Medical alert said...

Gas is hurting every ones wallet so what we have too do is learn too cut cost on saving gas where we can.