Having insurance in this day and age is a very good thing. I can't complain because there are a lot of people that are less fortunate that I am and don't have any insurance. I have Anthem insurance through my company and they typically take the majority of the sting out of any medical bills that come about. Its when Doctor's decide the push the envelope and choose not to participate with insurance companies that things go array. They are trying to make the most that they can. Of course the insurance company is trying to pay as little as they can. Guess who wins in this little battle? They both do. Guess who loses? You know the answer. I am sure all of you that are reading this have been there. It just doesn't seem fair. There should be some way to make this a win win win, but I don't see that happening. There is no leverage on either the insurance company or the doctor. The hold all of the cards. We hold the bag.