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March 05, 2008

Plan for tomorrow, but live for today...

Planning for retirement is a journey, not a task. It is a dynamic process. It isn't over till the "fat lady sings". There are many things to plan for and many things to think about. When you think you have it all figured out, you think of something else. Is there a perfect plan? Nope! Do the best that you can. Educate yourself. Information is abundant. We have lots of resources to educate ourselves. The internet, books, our parents, relatives, friends, financial planners, and on, and on. You are not going to be perfect, but you can get on the sunny side of the moon if you don't keep your head buried in the sand. Open your eyes. Ask questions. Read. Learn. Act on what you know. The fact that you are thinking about it and talking about it and asking questions about it and most importantly, doing something about it, is what will make it the best that it can be. This process is not about perfection. It is about taking advantage of the resources that are available all around us and making the best decisions that we can with the information that we have. Live for today because there might not be a tomorrow. Plan for tomorrow because there might be one!